Biological Station
Part of the household structures of the Silvopastorale Company “Jazzo Corte Cicero – la lana del lupo” form the “home of the researcher” where the territorial operative office of the Ce.R.B., Biological Station and Documentation Center of the Wolf and Pastoral Activities is located.
The related staff coordinates the pasture activities of the company Jazzo Corte Cicero for a sustainable use of the pastures and the forest aimed at the conservation of the turf and of the invertebrate and vertebrate animal diversity typical of the pastoral systems.
The Biological Station using part of the economic resources coming from pastoral and breeding activity, carries out and promotes the research on biological indicators (lepidoptera, orthoptera and birds) of the pasturage habitats in order to describe the evolution and the state of health and conservation of the pasture.
It collaborates with the Park Authority in monitoring the wolf.
It is the headquarters to educational courses for students of all levels and in particular practical-laboratory activities are made for university students who deal with pastoral management and biodiversity conservation. The Biological Station is a flywheel and at the same time a trait d’union between the pastoral world and the farmers and the conservation of natural resources: “the shepherds are an integral part of the agro-pastoral ecology”.