Action 1
Realization of “Stazione biologica” and the Center of documentary for the wolf “Corte Cicero”
The “Corte Cicero” farm complex, although largely renovated, has been in disuse for about 30 years. The realization inside of the Biological Station and Documentation Center of the Wolf and of the Pastoral Activities allows starting a synergistic participation between public institution (Parco Nazionale dell’Alta Murgia), private institutions and association for an appropriate “use” of the territory thanks to the strong collaborative agreement with the company “Jazzo Corte Cicero”. The high potential of the biological station, the territorial office of the “Ce.R.B” association, is linked to research activities, territorial management, dissemination and awareness of environmental issues. It would represent a center of reference in southern Italy for the study and documentation of the status of biodiversity, together with the dissemination and knowledge of good practices of sustainable farming. In particular, the set-up of special rooms used for an office and forestry will allow researchers from other countries to exchange experiences, organize training courses and disseminate good practices in the zootechnical field and laboratories, aiming at the diffusion of transversal and alternative economies (for example the wool production, the coloration of yarns with dyeing herbs, etc.). The construction of the biological station provided for a restructuring, to improve the receptivity by creating an office / library and a guesthouse with 16 beds, bathrooms and a kitchenette.