Action 7
Buy and keep “A flock for the environment”
Why buy and keep a flock or pets? One of the main reasons that led to the ideation of this action lies in the recovery and enhancement of the native domestic breeds and the ancient and denigrated shepherd’s craft in a territory such as Alta Murgia, highly characterized by pastoralism. Grazing plays an important and sustainable role in the recovery and maintenance of the Mediterranean prairies, in the protection of the environment, the landscape and biodiversity. One of the factors that is causing the abandonment of pastoral practices is the conflict between the conservationist component and the farmers due to the predation by the wolf on animals. Therefore, the innovation lies in maintaining the conditions of territorial equilibrium using the breeding – managed by researchers who are concerned with the conservation of biodiversity – as a bridge between the pastoral and the conservationist world. Finally, the participated breeding will allow a real approach of every single citizen to the pastoral practices (see Action “at school by the shepherd).
On the pastures of the silvopastoral company “Jazzo Corte Cicero” are bred sheep from Altamura and goats from Gargano, “murgesi” horses and “podolic” bovine in order to ensure both a model of grazing and sustainable management that a greater diversity of the genetic line, essential for the establishment of new founding nucleuses in other zootechnical companies. The company “Jazzo Corte Cicero” has become together with the other five companies that reside in the area of the Alta Murgia National Park, a holding company of the Altamurana sheep, considered in danger of extinction, whose population in the area of Park has about 680 individuals.